When you are seeking employment, there are a number of different criteria that you need to meet in order to even be considered for a job. There are a few factors that may affect whether or not you get the job that you want, but the most important of these is your employment history. What employers like to see is a nice clean history with consistent work experience. If you don’t have that consistent work experience then you are going to have a serious problem.Why are you required to have that consistent experience? The biggest reason is that it shows an employer you don’t have a habit of leaving jobs and that you have a good work ethic. The employer wants someone that will not only stick with the job, but that will also work their hardest at the job. It is widely believed that someone with employment gaps simply cannot meet the standard.In this economic climate, it can sometimes be very difficult to NOT have employment gaps, especially considering the sheer lack of jobs out there. So how do you avoid gaps in employment history? Let’s look at a few of the ways that you can try.First off, you should never leave any job unless you have another one lined up. This is very important. Even if the conditions at your job are terrible by your standards, always make sure that you look for other employment first. On top of that, employers will also be more likely to hire you if they see you currently have a job. This shows them that you have a good work ethic and are capable of holding down a job.Always put in your two weeks’ notice. Though this may have little to do with Employment Gaps, it does determine whether you will actually get hired. If you need to quit your job, make sure that you give them plenty of notice so they’ll be able to get someone else during the standard two weeks. If a potential employer calls your last job, you want them to say that you put in your notice, because if you failed to them you probably will not get hired unless you have a very good reason.When looking for a career some people are going to have actual employment gaps. Face it, people make mistakes, and luckily, there is a way to fix it. You can submit your information to a professional resume writer. These writers are great at making your employment gaps look good. It’s going to cost you a bit of money, but it’s worth it if you get the job that you want in the end.You can also consider doing some volunteer work. Though you won’t get paid for this, you can put it on your resume and most employers will count it as work history. There are many different things that you can do to bridge the gap, including working part time. If you do have gaps, it’s not going to easy, but with a lot of time, patience, and work, you can push through and get the job of your dreams. It all depends on how much you want it, and how much you’re willing to work for it.
Employment Law Solicitors – The Only 10 Things You Need to Know | haberizle.info
If you’ve been involved in a dispute at work, perhaps with a colleague, your boss or an employee, then may be you’ve thought about taking legal action, and are seeking the advice of an employment law solicitor.Here’s what you need to know.1. It’s important to remember that seeking the advice of an employment law solicitor is often the last resort, and only usually happens when discussions or further consultations have failed. It might be hard to stay in your current job if you have accused colleagues or your employer of something serious to need legal action. It also might be hard for you if you have been accused of something.2. Choose a solicitor that specialises in employment law, rather than one that mainly works in conveyancing, or criminal law.3. The firm of employment law solicitors you choose should be knowledgeable and sympathetic to your cause, and understand what you’re going through. How can they best represent you, if they don’t know and understand what’s going on?4. The solicitors you choose will need to be able to represent both employers and employees. This means that they will need to be aware of the difficulties and situations faced in the modern workplace.5. Find out how much experience you prospective solicitors have in employment law, and the sort of case that you are involved in. Do they normally represent the employee, or the employer? Are they usually successful when they represent their clients?6. If you’re not sure which employment solicitors you should choose to represent you, why not ask family and friends and perhaps see how they can help you.7. The services of employment solicitors aren’t just for representing clients involved in grievances. They can provide other services such as checking that company documentation and handbooks are legal, and meet the relevant laws.8. Employment law solicitors are also able to draw up contracts for employers, so that all staff know what is expected of them, and the repercussions if company regulations are not met.9. You might want to choose a local solicitor so that it is easier to be kept informed as to how your case is progressing. Alternatively, you might want to instruct an employment solicitor with the most experience, and the best reputation for dealing with cases like yours.10. You might not think that there is a case for your employee, colleague or employer to answer to. Why not speak to an employment law solicitor and find out?Now you know more about Employment Law, and how to make sure that your case is heard by a specialist, if you think you have a case, why not speak with an Employment Law Solicitor today?